Arctic Fox observation

Exciting observation of a species who is threatened by extinction in Scandinavia!

From 1 july until 30 september
Arctic Fox calls also Polar Fox.

Max. 8 adults
Start: around 0300 pm from Vilhelmina, back around 0030 am

The tour leads us to the mountains and you need to move about 1 hour in the land.

Arctic foxes
Foto: © Länsstyrelsen Västerbottens automaticly camera

Please take notice of:
Because the evenings on the mountains can be cold even in summertime, you need to have with the equipments as follows:
Ankle boots or boots, rain- and windproof jacket, warm pullover, cap and gloves.
Of advantage camping mattress and in your backpack food and worm drink.

Don't forget the telescope or a good binocular because we will rest in a good distance to the animals.

Because of the instructions of the Länssytrelsen Västerbotten and not to disturb the animals we are allowed to stay at the place in max 4 hours. To light a campfire is prohibited.

below:          Take a break during the transport of food and a food automat to the arctic foxes.
                    I gave a hand to this action of Västerbottens Länsstyrelse.

in the middle: Arctic fox land in beginning of july
to the right:   Arctic fox in June 2013.

Foto: below to the left and in the midst: © Egger-Guidning; to the right: © Länsstyrelsen Västerbotten, automaticly camera

delivering food Arctic fox land Polar fox in June 2013